Follow the Honey Trail Signs

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Gloria with a plantation of Nordman none-neeedle drop trees
Gloria with a plantation of Nordman none-neeedle drop trees

Christmas trees are now closed thanks to all our customers.

With your help, Medibee has raised £13,800.74 in 2020 for the Sheffield Children’s Hospital – Well done!

Book now for your Lecture in Troway Hall’s Log Cabin Lecture Theatre – called “HIVE ALIVE” !!!

If you have a group – or can arrange to bring along 12 to 50 people – Gloria Havenhand will astound you with her vibrant lecture on “Your Health – How Bees Can Help”. How bees charge our health, food supply and our very existence. Honey tasting – the Hive springs eternal. Tea/Coffee and biscuits (buffet by request) – our pleasure to serve. Unique Bee shop on site – over 40 natural products.
PHONE   01246 292425/413809   – to fix the date.

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Gloria Havenhand’s new book is now available to order:

Click here for more details

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Order online today
or call 01246 29 24 25
to order by phone

Click on BBKA logo above to visit their website

British Christmas Tree Growers Association

Medibee Logo
Troway Hall 1642
Troway Hall 1642

Dear customer – if you find that buying things online is confusing or frustrating, don’t worry – just phone:

01246 413809 / 07770 592 500 and we’ll take your order directly.

What's Going On?


New: Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Majorca

Gorgeous olive oil from our farm in Mallorca


Straight from natural olive groves based around the UNESCO World Heritage Site in the northern mountains of Majorca- the Serra de Tramuntana.


Harvested by hand and taken to the oil press. Our picual olives are the culmination of a year of the olive growers efforts and the careful picking by the olive harvesters.

Read more by going to the product page HERE




Vintage Honey Mead – 12 years old.  Invigorating – Mellow in Taste – Great Gift, click on the pic. to order.

MEDIBEE – ASTONISHED – BEES FLYING AT NEW YEAR – it has been all systems go – since then!

Stepping across the courtyard on New Year’s Day this year, 2022 – I screeched to everyone – I can hear a bee – and another one – Oh My!

Gee whiz – the temperature in the afternoon of  1st January 2022 was 12C  – the bees were a month early – our little worker bees were responding to early warmth. So alarmed – I went flying down the fields and meadows – only to find mass bud burst amongst the wild garlic carpeting the riverbank and to be faced with yellow hazel catkins and gorse in full bloom –with snowdrops and crocuses catching the sun along the stone walls.

Left pic – New Year’s Day –  Gloria stands astonished to witness some of the sun-drenched hives tempting the bees from their deep dormancy of winter – all in full flight

Our hedgerows bursting forth with blossoms – some 26 – 28 days earlier than the mid 1980’s?

Content that these newly hatched worker bees were responding to the profusion of pollen (providing protein plus and vital vitamins for the baby bees) and sweet nectar to boost their flights to flowers with energy –  times are really changing – and fast!

Honey Bee on Phacelia (Eco Crop)
Honey Bee on Phacelia (Eco Crop)

Troway Hall is a very special and exemplary environment for birds, amphibia and invertebrates including insects, bees, butterflies, earthworms, snails etc enabling not just honeybees  – but bees of all types including bumble bees ,mason  bees, wood carder bees and leafcutter bees to name just a few of the 250 types found around the UK alone. Bees seem to live in harmony with other types of bee – a live and let live instinct.

In fact – visitors sit on beautiful benches overlooking beehives and watch the bumble bees dart too and from underground nests at their feet – and at the same time  – hear and witness the thousands  of honeybees visiting a cornucopia of blossoms in orchards, along mediaeval hedgerows and amongst ancient meadows dating from the 16th Century.

CLICK onto PRODUCTS – AND SCROLL DOWN – unusual and distinct beehive products mostly made on site here at Troway Hall – honey and pollen aiding allergies,  propolis cream and other creams  effective against daily and tiresome skin problems –  with the full knowledge that many products are scientifically and independently tested by Government and Independent Laboratories.

Only last year – The Propolis Essence was sent to a well-known American Laboratory – which reported graphically and thoroughly the resultant active effectiveness against Sars 1- Herpes – Influenza and other viruses. Let us bear in mind – bees have been around 100 million years – when will we ever learn?


Prof Milton Wainwright Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Sheffield says:

“In my view, there is absolutely no doubt that Medibee honeys are antibacterial and kill or inhibit the growth of a wide range of bacteria. The activity of these honeys is due in large part to the presence of complex phytochemicals obtained by the bees while foraging plants”.


Read Prof Wainwright’s World Honey Medical paper, see PDF below:

world honey paper 

Testimonials – we have by the pagefuls – new and different stories with unbelievable gratefulness to the Bees and their Ancient Remedies.


The Wonderful Beehive!

Medibee’s beautiful environment in the Peak District in Derbyshire includes ancient wild flower meadows, woodlands and heather moorlands.

Hauling Heavy Honey Frames

We would love you to climb aboard and join us to enjoy the fabulous flowers from our wild flower meadows (going back to the 16th century), thousands of Christmas trees and the most awesome environment for bees and birds alike. Book your lecture and journey around this special environment by phoning Gloria on 01246 413809 – all proceeds to the Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

Examine the photos below and gasp at the wild flowers, phacelia and borage herbs from which the bees avidly seek delicious nectar – alllowing you to enjoy a multitude of sparkling and spectacular Bio-Active honeys.

It is therefore not surprising that this special environment contributes to this exclusive honey – unique to the Northern Hemisphere.

Medibee’s Bee Bio-Active Honey is not only awesome to taste, but is probably the best honey you can buy. Only the best quality and unprocessed honey reaches you in the jar – whether to eat on toast, pour on cereal or just enjoy by the spoonful! Medibee Honey is modest in price tooonly £11.00 per jar – wow! At the same time, you know that other brands and rivals will cost between two and three times this price – what more could you want?


The guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Public Health England (PHE) have been developed after looking at the best available scientific evidence.

The evidence showed that honey could be effective at reducing the symptoms of acute coughs due to upper respiratory tract infections (infections of the airways),

The guidance applies to adults and children over 5 years of age. It’s important to note that honey is not safe for children under the age of 1.

Click on the following links:

See the news on the Guardian site
See the news on the BBC site
Read the article on NICE

Just a small selection of Medibee natural beehive products – see our product page for our extensive range. Skin allergies can be a problem at this time too – why not treat yourself to Medibee Propolis Cream – which is ‘spot-on’ – try them!

MediBee brings you these wonderful products by mail order, by phone or securely online – and of course the Honey Shop at Troway Hall – besides selected retail outlets up and down the country.

If in any doubt or need info on your nearest stockist just phone MediBee on
01246 413 809 or 01246 292425.

Our ancient wild flower meadows are designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) and monitored by English Nature –in beautiful N E Derbyshire

A rare environment in the 21st century!


Reviews & 

Venues section for more facts, features and updates.

Date for the Diary: The Beestro Opens June 2023